Samstag, 7. Mai 2011

Staying up-to-date with the newest Distribution

Today i want to introduce you a page, where you can find nearly every Linux Distribution on earth.

If you are a Linux User and want to test some Distribution or want to find a new Distro for your Computer, it is the best to look at Distrowatch.
Distrowatch is updated a few times per day, and you can easyliy see which new Distributions are released that day.
You also can se a ranking of the 100 pupularest Distributions (This is the way i got known to Mint, btw ;) )
In my opinion its a pretty nice page, where you can find out everything about a special distribution, and what it is used for. If you're looking for someting special, Distrowatch is the right adress.

49 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderfull! Nice blog, keep on blogging =D
    I will watch some times on your site today ;-) *wink*

  2. Thanks for the link, the website seems really helpful to Linux users.

  3. This sounds very useful. I'am not completely new to Linux but it should help me out a bit!

  4. Mint is just the tunning version of ubuntu :P Anyways, distrowatch is awesome got to learn about some of my favorite distros through there aswell! +follow

  5. i had linux installed but i found no need for it. sine most programs i use need windows.

  6. I am such a linux noob, hopefully I can learn something from you!

  7. I agree with the other comments, definitely seems useful.

  8. Used windows for 10y now and my collage is forcing me to switch to linux. Thanks for the link mate, helpful

  9. i like linux of it can't get any virus but i hate to start learning all new linux commands

  10. Oh yeah! Distrowatch is a great website for keeping up with the latest Linux distros. Speaking of which, I need to boot into Ubuntu more often. I haven't given it any love in over a month!

  11. ill have to check that site out, thanks

  12. Been usin distro watch for years. Great resource!

  13. YES! another tech blog! FEED ME YOUR KNOWLEDGE!

  14. Always good to get a little help with Linux!

  15. Hmmm, i hardly ever use linux. But with my upcoming NAS project i guess ill have to test it out.

  16. I like this website. Thanks for share.

  17. This is really interesting thanks for the share.

  18. Thank you, Nerd. This will be most useful to me.

  19. thank god, ive been looking for this for ages, thank you!!

  20. Did not know about this site, seems extremely helpful, thanks!

    following for more info

  21. Pretty kick ass site! I just downloaded Ubuntu, and want to go for Fedora next..any suggestions?

  22. ive wanted to get into linux but it seems too complicated to bother

  23. I've got a spare computer that i want to play with linux in, i'll give this a shot.

  24. Is Linux all it's made out to be? I've toyed with getting it for a while, but it does seem a bit complicated.

  25. I am waiting for more posts my friend :)

  26. Definitely checking out that site =]

  27. yea wastrel youre right. I had no time the last days. Today or tomorrow youll get a new post! :)
